In search of the best laboratory Haiku!
The winning entry:
A description of
My scientific project
Kills conversation
- Sally Devries
Congratuations, Sally!
Other notable poems:
Spare a thought today
For the humble bacillus
Tumbling in the wind
- Rob Parker
Fizzing particles
Running their paces blindly:
- Dr. MP
Four years of hard work
No fun, no party, no life
all in vain: the scoop
- anonymous
Boss is out of town
Suddenly life looks better:
Empty lab at 5
- Clara
Conference party
Blue-eyed postdoc after me
Will she steal my fame?
- F. Clark
Swirling tendrils grow
Caressing the bottle glass
fungus in buffer
- name withheld by request
Slave on grant, give talk;
Journal club, write article
No experiments
- Mary G.
I dream of worker's comp
Pipetting all day
Pipetting all night, wonder
when carpel tunnel?
- The Shadow
Watch is running slow
My friends are growing older:
- Joe Stanwick
Summer lab blues
Flask at the window
contents yellow from the sun
experiment fails
- Julie Webb
Sleeping on a cot
In the back of the night lab
Starts to lose its fun
Thanks to all who entered!