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From the LabLit science verse series

Sara Sutter 15 April 2012

Scents, like sounds, appear to influence the olfactory nerve in certain definite degrees.
-Scientific American

Cup of coffee thrice-sized the anesthetized mice
gave a start, a SMOUND,
to the laboratory table
one afternoon. Union newfound,

a portmanteau, mot-valise, of smell and sound—SMOUND—
the urge to pack one word
inside another: bleen, beefalo,
geep. "A potent olfactory

gustatory implication," Wesson observed
tuberculate spikes.
"He picked his mug back up. Sip. Clunk. Spike."
Japanoise. "He SMOUNDED it!" "What

your brain does is take objects and SMOUNDS them into
one great sensory
energy." Thus a toe-pinch might soothe
bad moods, calf-rub quell intellect.

Existence of SMOUND sense has broad implications:
saffron risotto
paired with Beyoncé in lieu of
Beethoven; buckets-o-chicken

eaten by SMOUNDING the smog they're cooked in.
Listen to cumin.
Smell the cello's octave of odor.
"The systematic derangement

of the senses is means to perceive awareness."
Rimbaud and hipsters
endorse it. One brutal sense-onslaught,

takes-over, when the mouse-body is no longer
separate from its
environment. "Unspeakable tor-
ment, where he needs superhuman

strength, where he becomes the great invalid, the great
criminal, the great
accursed, the Supreme Scientist!"
Sip. Clunk. Spike. Repetition, for

the poentist, is synonymous with accur-
acy. "Long, immense,
intimidating, rational, de-
rangement." Love. Suffering. Smadness;


anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized
mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice
anesthetized mice anesthetized miSMOUNDce anesthetized mSMOUNDice anesthetized
mice anesthetized mice anesthetized micSMOUNDe anesthetized mice
anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized
SMOUNDSMOUNDmice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice
anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetizSMOUNDed mice anesthetized mice
anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized
mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice
anesthetized mice anesthetized miceSMOUND anesthetized mice anesthetized mice
anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice SMOUND
anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized SMOUND mice
anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized
mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anestheSMOUNDtized mice
anesthetizedSMOUNDmice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice
anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mic anesthetized
mice anesthetized mice anesthetized mice aSMOUNDnesthetized mice anesthetized mice
anesthetized mice