The middle author 23 December 2024 But after weeks of writing, I began to notice something. I didn’t think it was intentional. Maybe Jack had just made a mistake
Chapter Sixteen: The Confession 15 September 2024 He had tolerated the recent questioning much as he might listen to a graduate student from another lab give their first talk
Chapter Fifteen: The Police 14 July 2024 it was always trying, visiting Mary’s mother. Most Saturdays, Slater would rise early and sit in his study with a pile of academic papers
For the love of science, Part 2 5 May 2024 Henrietta opened the door to the tissue culture incubator. She had stopped by the lab this late in the evening mainly to check on her cells.
Chapter Fourteen: The Paper 25 March 2024 The woman slammed the paper down.
“Who is this journalist? Why don’t we know about her?”
For the love of science, Part 1 17 March 2024 The lab stretched in all directions like a beach at low tide, its habitat revealed by the passing wave of the daytime rush.
Escape velocity: 96 new additions to the Lab Lit List! 25 February 2024 We are pleased to present the most recent update to our list of lab lit…
Spoils 4 February 2024 Unless they happen to you, disasters are initially acknowledged as far-away abstractions. Yes, a terrible…
Stories around the fire 20 December 2023 Dom and Rachel felt like kids again. This camping trip had been almost identical to…
And there she wept 21 November 2023 The surveillance video showed her at 2:45 PM in the lobby of the Moscone South Conference Center, sitting on a bench, her face in her hands, sobbing.
Chapter Twelve: The Interview 6 July 2023 Toni suppressed a laugh. Weren’t scientists meant to be observant?
Priority 23 April 2023 When retelling the story at meetings or parties, I often throw in a few twists and white lies.
Rock bottom 29 January 2023 Will I be front story news? Will they make me look like a reckless fool, one of those crazy daredevil tourists? Just to satisfy and entertain their readers, so they can feel superior?
Because the stakes are so small 8 January 2023 “Excuse me, Professor Tsing? I’m really sorry to bother you, but could I ask you a quick question…” Feigned politeness. Smug self-importance disguised as intellectual curiosity and deference.
Chapter Eleven: The Volunteer 6 November 2022 Sabine checked her watch against the clock over the door. It wasn’t that she and Max ever agreed to meet, but his habit was to be at the lab half an hour after leaving his office.
Racy thrillers, rom-coms and period romps: 83 new additions to the LabLit List 2 October 2022 It’s official – it really does seem as if lab lit, the genre, is finally going mainstream.
The journey to Mars 27 April 2022 In the future, Earth will no longer be habitable, and we will have to go live on Mars. The problem is, we do not know how to get there.
Life reimagined 12 December 2021 But the thing that I noticed most is the sound. Or the lack of it. There are no birds singing, and no bugs buzzing in my ear. The pesky hum of a mosquito that isn’t there is more concerning than one that is.
Eugene Vasilly, Genius 26 September 2021 It is generally agreed upon that, had his life not ended in shame and obscurity,…
Chapter Ten: The Promise 25 July 2021 “You’ve done something here, Mike!” Slater shook his head. “I can’t let you leave now, there’s still too much to do. We can find a way through this.”
Chapter Nine: The Infection 28 February 2021 Slater was headed his way, but not looking where he was going. Why was he so pale?
The science of coincidence (or the Law of Truly Large Numbers) 29 November 2020 Because it is Science that will be my chief witness today. Logic shall be my defence. Fact shall be my evidence.
Chapter Eight: The Sample 15 November 2020 “But she died of chikungunya fever. And you had some in the lab. Is it possible she could have been infected by it?”
Interviews 11 October 2020 Without a word he hands me the document from his lawyer. Even I recognize the high-powered firm.
Chapter Seven: The Institute 24 July 2020 Max sat on a bench, smoking his fifth cigarette of the morning and keeping his eyes fixed on the main entrance of the Wolfhaven Institute.
The Magnafan 5 July 2020 As I walked into my new office, I smelled the fresh paint and doughnuts and saw the grey, boring walls that I would be working in.
The ghost of cells past: Part 4 8 June 2020 We are pleased to present the final episode of a new four-part story by Deborah Flusberg, about a lab research project that suddenly gets personal.
Chapter Six: The Retraction 25 May 2020 Slater watched Brad leave the room. Even after the door had swung shut, anger shot through his veins.
The ghost of cells past: Part 3 8 April 2020 When he opened his eyes, head cradled in his arms at his lab desk, it took him a few moments to realize that what had just happened had been a dream. Or had it?
The special ones 21 January 2020 He sat, slumped, on the flimsy cot of his cell. Surrounded by cold concrete walls, he was a prisoner of the government
The ghost of cells past: Part 2 26 December 2019 That night at his apartment, Robert dreamed of his sister in the cancer ward of the children’s hospital. Her head was bare, hair long gone
The ghost of cells past: Part 1 25 November 2019 When people asked Robert why he wanted to go into biology research, he never mentioned his sister
The dangers of Yellowstone 15 October 2019 I still remember when I first saw the wolves.
Chapter Five: The Outlier 6 October 2019 Slater could tell she was thinking furiously, recognizing she had said the wrong thing.
From the Collins Industries Archives 2 September 2019 I pondered my choices as I laid on the moldy cot in my decrepit apartment. My fingers ached. I was out of sleeping pills. Again
Voices of the next generation 2 September 2019 Last year, I received an email from Marieclaire Apuli, a Language Arts teacher at Emerson…
Chapter Four: The Postdoc 26 July 2019 Brad stared at the printout in front of him. There it was again, that damned high molecular weight peak he had seen on both previous runs.
Chapter Three: The Party 15 July 2019 Ah, these silly English men, Sabine thought as she drove down Long Road. They are so easily amused – it really wasn’t work at all. All she ever had to do was smile at them and they would do anything she asked.
Chapter Two: The Lab 21 May 2019 Dr Bradley Jefferson Walker Pettier III was confused.
Chapter One: The Funeral 7 May 2019 Professor Thomas Slater realized that it wasn’t going to be so difficult to be inconspicuous after all.