Chapter Ten: The Promise Richard P Grant | 25 July 2021 “You’ve done something here, Mike!” Slater shook his head. “I can’t let you leave now, there’s still too much to do. We can find a way through this.”
Chapter Nine: The Infection Richard P Grant | 28 February 2021 Slater was headed his way, but not looking where he was going. Why was he so pale?
The science of coincidence(or the Law of Truly Large Numbers) Gavin Milnthorpe | 29 November 2020 Because it is Science that will be my chief witness today. Logic shall be my defence. Fact shall be my evidence.
Chapter Eight: The Sample Richard P Grant | 15 November 2020 “But she died of chikungunya fever. And you had some in the lab. Is it possible she could have been infected by it?”
Interviews João Ramalho-Santos | 11 October 2020 Without a word he hands me the document from his lawyer. Even I recognize the high-powered firm.
Chapter Seven: The Institute Richard P Grant | 24 July 2020 Max sat on a bench, smoking his fifth cigarette of the morning and keeping his eyes fixed on the main entrance of the Wolfhaven Institute.
The Magnafan Luke P and Declan C | 5 July 2020 As I walked into my new office, I smelled the fresh paint and doughnuts and saw the grey, boring walls that I would be working in.
The ghost of cells past: Part 4 Deborah Flusberg | 8 June 2020 We are pleased to present the final episode of a new four-part story by Deborah Flusberg, about a lab research project that suddenly gets personal.
Chapter Six: The Retraction Richard P Grant | 25 May 2020 Slater watched Brad leave the room. Even after the door had swung shut, anger shot through his veins.
The ghost of cells past: Part 3 Deborah Flusberg | 8 April 2020 When he opened his eyes, head cradled in his arms at his lab desk, it took him a few moments to realize that what had just happened had been a dream. Or had it?