The journey to Mars


Editor’s Note: We are pleased to present the final story in our Young Authors series, a collection of six pieces of short fiction written by pairs of American eighth-graders as part of a special English class devoted to laboratory literature. You can read all about this interesting project in the accompanying Editorial. Use the navigation bars at the top left to catch up with other stories in this series.

Early in the next decade, a set of crewed flights will test and prove the systems required for exploration beyond low Earth orbit. And by 2025, we expect new spacecraft designed for long journeys to allow us to begin the first-ever crewed missions beyond the Moon into deep space. So we’ll start — we’ll start by sending astronauts to an asteroid for the first time in history.  By the mid-2030s, I believe we can send humans to orbit Mars and return them safely to Earth. And a landing on Mars will follow. And I expect to be around to see it. 

Barack Obama, April 15, 2010

August 19, 2034

In the future, Earth will no longer be habitable, and we will have to go live on Mars. The problem is, we do not know how to get there. My name is Dmitri. I am by blood Russian. My family moved to the States with me, when there was political unrest in the government. During school and college, I was always fascinated with space, and my dream job was to be an astronaut.  

The little boy in me glanced around wondering if we would find something. The scientist in me knew how ridiculous this sounded and was excited to collect rock samples

When I heard that SpaceX had job opportunities, I applied. When I got to the interview, they asked where I went to college, which was MIT. I studied aerospace there. They asked what job I was applying for, and I said aerospace engineer/technician and astronaut. They accepted the application, and then I went out to celebrate. While I was celebrating, I met a man who said: “You want a drink?” 

“I’ll just take water,” I replied.

“My name is Darius, and I work at SpaceX.” 

“No way!” I said. “I just got a job at SpaceX.”

“What are the chances of that? What’s your position going to be?”

“Engineer and astronaut. How about you?”

“I’m a pilot, so it looks like we might end up going on a mission sometime in the near future.”

August 25, 2034

My first day on the job was great. One of the employees showed me to my office, which was rather spacious. When I got settled in, my team and I were given our first assignment, which was finding a strong enough source of fuel to get a rocket to Mars. At first, I thought that solar panels could work. I pitched it to my team, and they agreed with me. We then put a solar-powered rocket through a simulation from Earth to Mars and back. After we were through with the simulation, we received good news and bad news. The good news was that the solar panels would work, but it would take way, way, way too long to charge up the battery to have enough energy to get us to Mars and back. After that, my team and I called it a day, so we could continue our search tomorrow.                                                                          

August 26, 2034

While I was sleeping, an idea came into my head. What would happen if we used a nuclear reactor for an ion thruster? The next morning, I ran straight to my team and presented my idea to them. They liked it, so then we put it through a simulation. Not only did the nuclear thruster have enough to get there and back, but it had a lot extra. My first assignment was successful, and I was looking forward to going on my first mission. 

August 27, 2034

When I got to work, I went straight to training for my upcoming mission. There I met the crew, and it turns out that Darius is going to pilot our rockets. 

“Long time no see,” he said.

The training was grueling and long. The hardest part for me was definitely the RCS trainer, where we had to control a rocket using simulated small propellant. During the next month or more, I was going to be training hard for my first mission, which is set for some time in October.

September 28, 2034 – 13:86 GMT

World War III just started. China declared war on the U.S. because it wanted oil from America. Russia quickly followed China, then the EU declared war on Russia, and now Europe and Asia are a wild mess. The rocket launch will still be taking place though and is scheduled for 3 days from today.

October 1, 2034 – 15:35 GMT

It was time to get ready for lift-off. We got into our space suits, and then we entered the rocket. I had only done simulations, so I had never actually been in an actual rocket ship. My heart was racing with excitement and anticipation about the long journey ahead of us.  

“You ready yet?” yelled Darius. 

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied nervously, knowing that this could go really well or really bad. Darius was going to pilot the ship, which was heading straight toward Mars. Only ten months until we get to the red planet. I noticed that they had already brought on my belongings including an iPod with all my favorite songs to keep me entertained on the journey. I also saw the photos of me and my Mom and one of my best friend. The first step was getting our ship to orbit Earth.

12:00 GMT

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 LIFTOFF. We started the two-minute long burn until we separate the first stage. The rocket was shaking like crazy, which made the ride a bit uncomfortable, but it didn’t take too long. I felt a hint of nausea, but all of the simulations prepared me for the rocky start, so it quickly went away. We then make another burn, to get to the final orbit. Here we wait for about 8 days. 

October 25, 2034

The week passed by as we got to enjoy the beautiful planet from high up, being able to see how the oceans spread far below us. After a long, long week of orbiting Earth, we finally had enough speed to head towards Mars. We made our last burn to get out of the Earth’s orbit, and then we started our journey. Next came the most boring stage, which was getting through the 54.6 million kilometers of empty nothingness between us and Mars. The good thing though was that I was able to do things that I usually don’t have time to do. I was able to learn a card trick I never got around to learning, I started to learn German, and I was able to read. Thanks to all this stuff, I wasn’t bored.

December 31, 2034

As we were celebrating the New Year, we heard an explosion. We looked outside and saw that one of our solar panels had broken. Luckily SpaceX had supplied us with extras, and since I was the engineer, I had to go outside and repair the panel. I had practiced for this situation before. I reviewed everything that I learned from training, and then I went out. The view was absolutely humbling. I was just a tiny speck floating in nothingness. There were stars and other planets in the far distance. I never felt so big and small at the same time.  The fix was easy and luckily it went smoothly. I just had to take off the old solar panel, and put on the new one. We were lucky this time though. So much can go wrong in situations like this and we were so far away from anyone else. One bad move and we would be lost forever. 

August 5, 2035

300 days later, and we saw Mars. Finally! The planet was so different than Earth. We started the burn to get to orbit around the red planet. It was more beautiful than what I expected. It was a sphere with an orange-red color. We saw some brown clouds that we assumed were dust storms, and realized how unsafe we would be out there. I couldn’t help smiling as I thought about all of the alien stories I had heard growing up. The little boy in me glanced around wondering if we would find something. The scientist in me knew how ridiculous this sounded and was excited to collect rock samples. I could not believe how lucky I was to get to be here, to see another planet so close. We then stayed in orbit for about a week before the lander separated from the capsule. I turned on the “Space Odyssey” theme song and started laughing with Darius. The moment felt beyond real. 

August 12, 2035 – 10:37 GMT

We decided that we were ready to enter the lander. We had to wait a couple of hours before we reached the appropriate spot to land.

13:54 GMT

The separation was successful, but now there is no turning back. The lander, which was named the Owl, was taking us down to the Red Planet. The burn that caused us to de-orbit began, and we started our descent. We heard a quiet bang, which we all have heard before. We entered the Mars atmosphere at the speed of sound.  Darius and I were excited. We started the landing phase, which kicked off by slowing down enough to not overheat the lander and then release the shield. We started the burn to slow us down, and we successfully landed. I was glad that Darius was in charge of flying because he not only moved the ship slowly, but he also was confident about what he was doing. 

Sol 1

I took my first step onto the sandy planet. I still could not believe how far away I was from home and how amazing this was. My shoes sunk in a little as the sand was disturbed by something other than wind for the first time. We started by exploring the surrounding lands, and it reminded me of the deserts back on Earth. We collected a bunch of samples from the surface and put them into a container on board the lander. I remembered going to the beach when I was younger and collecting seashells. This was so much more intense and cool. We sent the home base on Earth a signal to tell them that we had successfully collected samples. Then we waited 14 minutes for the signal to get there, and for them to reply back. We then went exploring for anything that could help us in our goal to live on Mars. We found this cave, which we then decided to explore. Inside, we found vegetation which was an amazing discovery. 

“I thought that plants were not able to grow here,” I said.

“Turns out that we were all wrong about that,” Darius said with a grin, “We should probably get some samples to take back with us.”

“So we could examine them and run some tests?” I asked.

“Exactly,” Darius replied. We grabbed some of the plants and took a closer look at them. They were not like any plant we’d ever seen on Earth. The stem was just green and basic, but the leaves were a dark green, and they twisted in weird ways around the stem. They were also tiny purple flowers at the plant’s tip. I did not want to return to the rocket because there was probably so much more to explore, but it started to get dark and cold, so we had to go back.

Sol 2

When I woke up, the first thing I wanted to do was to contact SpaceX and tell them about our successes. We tried connecting, but there was no answer. After a while, we got a signal, but the person on the other end had an odd Russian accent. They told us that something was wrong and that we had to get back to Earth immediately. We were confused, so after a while, we tried to reach out again, but we received the same message. We decided then to go get some final samples and then head back to Earth. I tdropped a picture of my Mom on the planet and covered it lightly with some sand. I knew it wouldn’t last but it was what she asked of me when she first found out I was going. We then packed up and started the burn to get us back into Mars’ orbit.

August 14, 2035

We re-docked with the main capsule, and started the burn to get out of orbit. We then had the make 300-day journey back to earth.

June 9, 2036

We had reached Earth’s orbit, and were about to make the burn to re-enter the atmosphere when we heard a groan. Darius and I talked about it and decided it was nothing.

13:43 GMT: We had finished preparing, and started the burn to de-orbit. 15 seconds in, suddenly the engine stopped. We were on a straight course to Russia, and we couldn’t do anything about it, because the people at ground control had shut off the rocket’s systems. Darius and I were doing whatever we could to get the engine back up, so we could land at least near the U.S., but it was useless. We had already seen the rocket’s system storing the atmosphere, and we were going too fast to do any other maneuvers. We were about 10,000 meters above sea level when our parachutes opened up, which made me feel relieved knowing whoever was controlling this wanted us back in one piece. I then looked outside, recognizing my hometown of Russia, knowing that whatever came next was not going to be good.

About the author

Lucas likes football, and is a huge Indianapolis Colts fan. He also plays tennis twice a week. HIs favorite subject in school is Math, and he plans on pursuing a career involving it. Lucas is not the biggest fan of fictional stories, but prefers writing more realistic stories. Peter likes to play soccer, but also loves to study science. He usually spends his time playing games that simulate space, and builds rockets. He also likes to spend time looking up interesting facts, such as nuclear fission.